We are a team who obsess
about teams
Preaching what we practice
Our aim
To equip teams, large and small, with the skills and behaviours that create tribe like feelings and prideful success.

Our Expertise
Chartered Psychologists who have helped 1,000s of staff via our expertise in:
Chartered Clinical Psychologists (HCP Registered)
Family Therapy
Coaching leadership, delivery and training of others (over 1,000 trained by us).
Coach trained with lifetime coaching body membership.
Chartered Organisational Psychology.
Behavioural Economics (PhD Level)
Social Psychology (PhD Level)
Certified Psychometricians (individual and team)
Conversational analysis and teams analysis (PhD and published book).
Advanced research skills (University Research Leadership within the team)

Dr Craig Newman
CEO and Lead Psychologist
Craig is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist with 22 years’ experience in supporting transformation and personal growth. Combining academic knowledge and real-world experience, he has PhD in Human Decision Making and extensive experience in innovation, team leadership, and implementation.
Craig is an experienced therapist and coach and has worked in both the private and public sector, most recently providing NHS leadership and teams coaching. He is a specialist in creating experiential spaces for teams.
Most recently he was the driving force behind Project5 a free wellbeing service he set up to support NHS staff during the COVID pandemic.
Craig is passionate about helping individuals, teams, and organisations to not just cope with change but succeed and flourish, enabling people to make change work for them and ensuring that people’s wellbeing is at the heart of an effective workforce.
When he is not talking about teams, he is usually talking about the best ways to make an amazing coffee.
Dr Cordet Smart
Chartered Organisational Psychologist
Cordet is a specialist in clinical psychology/organisational research solutions. With extensive methodological expertise, both qualitative and quantitative, she is able to rapidly develop innovative solutions to provide quality insights into organisational contexts, for example through evaluation of interventions, organisational re-designs, or to better understand organisational cultures.
Cordet brings academic rigor with extensive publications to applied settings where she has had multiple successes in affecting change and working directly with organisations. In this way, she can provide a unique opportunity to bridge theory and practice.
Cordet holds a PhD in social psychology, has training in organisational psychology, combined with leading and completing an extensive research and development programme on interprofessional team working (MDTsInAction). Her training is broad in supporting teams.
Outside of work, she loves to ride and care for her horses.

Lisa Hartill
Psychologist & Education Sector Lead
Lisa is a Psychologist specialising in qualitative research and analysis.
Having spent most of her career as an educator working in secondary and adult education, specialising in Art and Design, Lisa changed direction and studied Psychology at Plymouth University, gaining a 1st class Hons degree.
Lisa brings her knowledge and experience of working within a broad range of educational settings and communicating effectively with a range of learners at all levels and abilities. She has worked with adults with learning disabilities, acquired physical disability, and mental health needs. She also has experience training peers at both one to one and conference level.
Lisa also helps to market aimyourteam's vision in collaboration with Craig and Cordet and is the tendering lead for public sector contracts.
Why we receive 100% satisfaction feedback...

it’s worked for my practice because it's reinforced why I want to be here...that actually this is what I do and it’s ok it’s just tough at the moment
Practice manager

I enjoyed the meetings. It makes you think about your wellbeing and break bad habits.
Operations lead

I found it really supportive. The exercises were valuable and it gave me needed developmental time